

    • The Technology Emits The Genius

      The myth of the prodigious, lone genius discovering truth in isolation is one of humanity’s most preferred stories: Ramanujan discovering advanced mathematics by himself from a single textbook in rural India; Einstein revolutionising physics while working as a patent clerk; Mozart composing symphonies as a gifted child. These romantic narratives of solitary greatness suggest raw genius can transcend any circumstance, that true genius will inevitably find its way to greatness.

    • Myths, Memes, and a Distaste for Uncertainty

      I explore demagoguery, Aldeous Huxley, memetics and kippers.

    • Substrate Independence

      I explore below the reductionist stories of life and consciousness, the origin of living organisms, fitness and natural selection, substrate-independent phenomena, and what all this means for us as a species.


    • Understanding Emergence

      This work began as a study of the phenomena captured beautifully by the notion of “emergence” and developed into an elegant theory of the physics of self-organisation. It combines Wolfram and Friston’s mathematical frameworks with complexity theory to better characterise the idea of a “universal assembly function”.

    • Holacracy at Zappos

      This essay analyses Holacracy and leadership through the lens of Tony Hsieh and the “Zappos family” in the growth and success of online retailer Zappos. The first two sections focus on the Zappos timeline, the change process leading to Holacracy, and the development of organisational culture over this period. The final two sections focus on the role of leadership and management in Holacracy, and how teams form and function within a complex organisation.


    • Economic Development in Morocco

      A survey of Moroccan economics on the world stage by comparison of the developments, challenges, and avenues for policy change that stand to alleviate historical demographic problems as Morocco becomes a global trade partner and figurehead of the Arab world. Cover: Marrakesh Medina Jemaa el-Fnaa, twilight.


    • Living Long Enough to Live Forever

      This is the second part of my “Bio-Hacking and Cyborging” series. To read into humanity’s relationship with immortality, see my previous essay. Read on about the only known immortal organisms, the problems modern medicine faces in making us as old as Methuselah, Longevity Escape Velocity, and the dark horse of the endless lifespan.

    • The War on Death

      Technology will give us the Fountain of Youth. In this essay I explore the history of longevity in mythology, how we can categorise death by its two eras, “The Spinning Vinyl” of aging, “hypercentinarians”, and how we hope to eliminate non-communicable disease.


    • On Bacon Writing Shakespeare

      A repository of evidence that “William Shake-speare” was instead the literary arm of Francis Bacon and his writing practice.

    • When Freemium Goes Too Far

      Hybrid products consist of both physical and service components. The physical part has intrinsic value — like a car - while the service part complements the usage of the good — like an app for unlocking your car remotely, or summoning it from far away.


    • The Moral Objective Function

      To distill this essay into a couple sentences: The goal should be to build a Asimov’s ‘Foundation’ model: imbued with wise, well understood values and goals from the outset, so that as it grows in power and influence, it guides humanity away from tyranny and destruction (and towards the a morally diverse, utopic win-state).

    • How Agents Will Accelerate Research
